Monday, October 8, 2007


Sunday, after GC, we were all hanging out on the stairs (I know, kinda random) trying to decide whether we wanted to take a Sunday walk or a Sunday drive and out walks miss paislee with a few things on from adi's dress-up bin.

And once she realized she had the spotlight - she put on a show, playing peek-a-boo for us!

Gotta love the personality this girls got already!


come sit awhile... said...

Okay kid, I had about 7 people tell me about the (still sitting...don't click) thing today...

Are you mocking your mother?

angiedunn said...

Lol to first comment.

Ps: I saw dress ups @ costco yesterday, and said to chloe: "look bow, you could be like cute little paiz."

She looks SO much like Adi!!