Saturday, October 13, 2007

A boy and his toy!

It has been a long couple of days....Mike has worked a few 15+ hour days in a row to meet all of the final tax dead lines, 3 straight days with the kids kinda gets me a little frazzled! But it is 10 o'clock, the kids are finally in bed, I just did a quick check of my email before we settle down for some serious DVR catch-up (we haven't seen Grey' s, Office, or Friday Night Lights yet - just to name a few) and I came down to find Mike doing this:

We made a quick trip to IKEA after dinner tonight, just as something to do - we didn't get much but as we passed the kid stuff I said to Mike "I always want to buy those trains but I talk myself out of it" He in turn grabbed them and put them in the stroller. I guess they really weren't "just for Luke" (as he told Adi at the store) I just didn't quite catch that he meant they were for him too!

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