Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"6" Tag

Okay, so my cute friend Jenn tagged me a couple weeks ago. And now that I am through with the overwhelming San Diego stuff, here it goes! Six random things about ME!

  1. I am very particular about my laundry. Not to say I do such a great job but my mom taught me very specific ways to sort and cycles and detergents to use. Which means Mike has done {maybe} 3 loads of laundry in the 8.5 years we have been married. It also means that on the few occasions that my brothers have lived with us - I've done their laundry as well. And I only use Tide and Downy.
  2. I wear the same sweat pants to bed 93% of the time{they need an occasional washing}. They are WAY too big {belonged to my 230lb high school boyfriend} and often have holes along the bottom where I've walked in them but are still holding on after 12 years! I think this bugged Mike at first but he now recognizes them for the warm, comfy, figure friendly sleepwear they are, and nothing to do with said 'X'. I ♥ my GHS baseball sweats!
  3. I hate {I know, its a strong word} to scratch anyone's back! It totally grosses me out, my fingernails feel all nasty, the tips of my fingers get all tingly and I get all creeped out, uhhhhh! Pretty sure this comes from the hours I spent scratching my mom's back, for mere pennies, years and years ago. This, however, does not in anyway mean that I don't love to receive a back scratch - just doesn't happen much when you are unwilling to reciprocate!
  4. The only 2 times I have gone to the hospital {besides pregnancy related stuff} both included feet and water. The 1st time, I was walking down a stream at the park and sliced the bottom of my foot open pretty good, I had to get like 12 stitches. Ouch! The 2nd time I was up in the mountains with my cousin swinging on a rope over the river, my hands slipped and I fell right in - spraining my ankle.
  5. Bring on a party! I am always up for anything social...I love outings with the kids, date nights, scrapbook nights, dinner parties, lunch dates, bbqs, birthday parties! You name it - I am there! And I am totally okay to throw it, even last minute!
  6. And to go along with the last one, I really like to cook/bake. Nothin' fancy, although I would love to learn someday, but I love eating and people - cooking accommodates them both!

Hope I didn't bore you! Now, I tag...Kelli, Angee, Jayne, Viv, Marcae and Dari. I would love to learn a little more about all of you, but no pressure!


Angee said...

OK Kacee - 4 words for you:


Can I tell you how good I am feeling about myself after being tagged? I'm in baby. It'll probably only take me about a week to think of 6 random things...

Banham Luck! said...

Can I tell you how much my husband gripes about all the batches of laundry I create? I am particular about that too....he calls me his OCD wife! Tide and Downy, you go girl!!!

angiedunn said...

You are so dang cute. And hilarity about the back scratching thing...love it.

Glad you had fun in SD!!

sweet pickles said...

Never knew about the feet injuries. Fun read.

Mike Bartholomew said...

Six Comments on Kacee's Six

1)I'm very lucky - I only have two ways to wash -- whites and darks

2)I wasn't bugged - just concerned that he wanted his pants back ;)

3)I'm very unlucky - I've promised her millions in exchange for this and she questions my ability to pay up

4)Didn't know this

5)Not possible not to know this

6)Very lucky again and very heavy

jenn said...

I learned so much about you...this was great! I especially love that Mike commented back to you. Cute! You are so fun and I'm glad we've gotten to know each other. =)

jenn said...

ps- thanks for the "cute" adjective...you gals sure know how to boost my self-esteem! =)

Jayne said...

Kacee, THE PRESSURE! Okay, it will take a bit, but I'll get to it too:) About the back scratching, that's why we have kids, to do it for us!

Annie Miller said...

Very clever tag! I loved the sweatpants thing. I think it's hilarious. You are brave to post this thought just in case he wants his perfect pants back! How did you do your flower bullets? Very cute!

Kelli and her Babies! said...

Thanks KC I will get to it! I am sure it may take me a bit! Love Ya

Spencer family said...

I haven't seen that tag before. I think that tags like that are awesome. It fun to learn things that you most likely aren't taking pictures of and blogging!
I'm trying to get a card exchange going. If you would like to do it let me know!