Thursday, February 28, 2008

Just call me Betty...

I love home made bread but lets be honest - it is time consuming, complicated, and down right hard to get it right. So I stock up on Granny Bread every month at Costco and call it good.
Now, enter Amie, - my sister in-law/HERO{for sooooo many reasons} she had all of the "sisters" over to teach us how to make bread today. Can I just say this was the easiest/best tasting bread - EVER! We made 5 loaves, 3 pizzas, bread sticks, rolls, blueberry turnovers and strudel all in under 2 hours - including baking and eating it all! So awesome!
I am now saving my allowance {do I have an allowance?} to save up for this coveted appliance at which time I will be oh, so happy to make each and every one of you a loaf of yummy goodness!
{razzing Mike and/or donations would be much appreciated:)}

I will end with these cute pictures from today... 4 of my sis-in-laws and their new babies!


•stephanie• said...

i got a red bosch before christmas. it's still sitting there. hasn't baked me a single loaf yet!

well . . . it was my trusty assistant for countless loaves of cinnamon bread, but that's not REAL bread, so it doesn't count.

Amie said...

Hey, I haven't been called betty since high school. That was my nickname in cooking class. I still don't know if it was because it was short for betty crocker or something else?

Thanks for all your help. Surprisingly, my house was in great shape when everyone left. Nothing was broken and my kitchen was clean! That was alot of boys under the age of 5. Did everyone get there kids? I seem to have a few more here. Oh well, let me know. Thanks again for all your help it was great fun!!!!

I also wanted to thank you for saying such nice things. I was only passing on what someone taught me. Isn't it great that we can share. I appreciate your talents. I am always grateful that Mike married you. You bring the best food to any party. Did I mention your party skills ROCK! You are a great sister. I love you lots!

Ben and Shara said...

I'm a fan of the bosch Although, that new fangled thing on the website is completely foreign to me. They have really done an overhaul of their appliance.

Also, Did you hear we are going to Germany? Remind me where you are mike were? We will be in Frankfurt for about 6 weeks for an internship. Was it Berlin. I can't remember.

sweet pickles said...

Love that first picture! You're going to have to teach me a thing or two!

Laura Blue said...

homemade bread is delicious! i hope you get that someday... you would use it often it sounds like. and how fun for all of them to have babies so close. fun fun!