Saturday, July 12, 2008

Independance Day

Finally! Here is the update on our event of the year...

We got to spend our evening with Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) and Adilynn spent months planning what to wear. She wanted to look like Hannah does in the t-shirt above, and while we opted for the pink high-heels instead of red I think she totally pulled the "rock star" look off. If you would have seen her swinging her hips - you would have asked for her autograph!

Before the show we thought we would hit up the Freedom Days for an adventure - it was a bit of a let down - but heading to Ottavio's made up for it. Luke and Pais even posed for the cutest pics ever!

Ready to go, waiting for the show!

The dancers this year did an Olympic dance in honor of Beijing 2008!
Can you tell which one I am most excited for? Not to mention, I won't have to follow the German athletes this summer!
(Has it really been that long?)

Glen Beck is pretty cool - too bad we couldn't hear him...our seats were awesome! (slathered in sarcasm)

These guys were cool, came down right over our heads! Maybe the seats were good for something!

This is what this day is all about, chokes me up everytime.So, so, so grateful to live in America and be an American!
Blue men are pretty cool too, definitely taught us how to party!
Did I say how good our seats were? This slight problem made no difference to the kids who ate up every minute of every song! Miley didn't let us down...she was dancing and shaking and head flipping all over the stage! And after singing her new stuff she finally sang a few of our faves in the end.

What's the 4th of July without fireworks? Incredible show - I'd have to say the Stadium was on Fire! ;)

and about 2.5 seconds after getting into the car...we had these little angels. Who could ask for a better ending?


Unknown said...

What a fun day!! I love the 4th of July! I am jealous that you got to see Blue Man Group. They are Chris' and my favorite :) Adi looks just like Hannah, how cute!

Laura Blue said...

what a fun 4th! looks like you guys had a blast, even if your seats were a little high. love the passed out pics. so fun!

Chad said...

Geez! You're getting really good at those recaps and your photography is amazing! I had so much fun these past couple days. Broc said to me last night on the way home, "Do you go over to their house three times a week every week?!! 'Cause if you do, I want to go too!" No embarassment at all. Stop thinking that!


Annie Miller said...

Those were great pictures! This is the first year I've missed Stadium of Fire in forever. You kids are adorable. Glad you had fun. I have to say I quite enjoyed not driving home in all the madness though:)

Banham Luck! said...

I almost could not tell the difference, between Adilynn and Miley! Except Adilynn is a lot cuter in her outfit! I love those pink shoes, too bad her feet did not love them by the end of the night. I am still jealous that I did not get to go! Looks like you had a great time!

Maddy and Amber said...

Great pictures Kacee! Could your kids be any cuter? What great memories you guys are making with those adorable kids. The fireworks are so incredible every year! That's always the best part of the show. Guess what? Jessica got her permit yesterday! Crazy, huh? So be careful if you see her coming! Have a great day!

angiedunn said...

how fun.

when did ads turn 14? fer real. she's so cute & grown up.

glenn beck. i heart him.

america rocks & so does this post.

Brian & Heidi Haas said...

What a fun looks like you guys had a BLAST!!! What a fun thing to do for the 4th. You are such a fun mom!

Kelli and her Babies! said...
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Kelli and her Babies! said...

Sooo cute! That picture of Paislee and Luke is pricless! Looks like you all had a great time! Wish we were there for that light show:( Love your blog Girl:)

jenn said...

Fun! What a cute post and pics. Love the sleeping babes at the end. Really, there isn't much better. :)