Monday, May 12, 2008

A pretty good day!

Yesterday, was a perfect day for flying kites...

looking cool in Diego sunglasses...
and just hanging out at the park!

Last night, however, was not so perfect!

Yes, that is our trampoline that the wind decided to put in our neighbors back yard at 2am this morning!


Jayne said...

Oh Kacee, I'm so sorry. :(
At least the fence is in tack. That happened in our neighborhood a while back and the tramp took out two fences and landed on a wooden swing set, a block away. Glad we can live in Lehi with our 70 mph Spring wind storms.
Jer got up at least three times last night, checking on our tramp. Luckily ours stayed put.

Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe that dang wind! It was so windy last night. I went to Chris's softball game and almost gone blown away too! Cute kite flying pictures!

Laura Blue said...

what a fun day flying kites! and what a mess by the wind. that is crazy!

Brian & Heidi Haas said...

Whoa...that is crazy.

jenn said...

Oh, no! So sorry about your tramp! That stinks. On a happier note, cute pictures of the kite flying! Your kids are adorable.