Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Halloween, just in time for Thanksgiving

I know, I know, I know! I am so behind! But I figure if it isn't officially Thanksgiving I can still sneak in a few pictures of Halloween, right?
We were lucky enough to spend our last holiday in Disneyland with some of our favorite people. After a packed day at D-land we got dressed up and headed to CA Adventure to receive candy by the handfuls and catch a few more of our favorite rides and party like crazy before we headed home.
Our family took on a Lilo and Stitch/Hawaiian theme. Mike and I were Hawaiians or tourists (depending on who you asked) kinda lame, but hey we dressed up! Adilynn was Lilo, Luke the sweetest Stitch(EVER!) and Paislee a cute little hula girl.
Also accompanying us were the Incredibles, a few Power Rangers, Peter Pan and clan, and the Star Wars gang - complete with a REAL dark-side fighting Luke Skywalker.

We partied it up until the wee hours of the night!
A Halloween to remember!


Kelli Lindsey said...

I love the group shot at Disneland! The costumes all look great!

Ben and Shara said...

How fun, I'd never of thought of going to Disneyland to trick or treat. How great. I'm taking notes.