Tuesday, January 15, 2008

online shopping...

...is grandma stippy's new fav past-time.
Between christmas and luke's b-day she has probably sent the UPS man to our home 20+ times during the past month.
{no complaints here, we LOVE it!}
Pretty sure that today's package will be the last of 'em for awhile so we enjoyed every bit of it!

Oh, and here is the actual gift.
{almost forgotten when the 6 sheets of bubble wrap provided us with a good 10 minutes of entertainment}
Thanks grandma!


Brian & Heidi Haas said...

Bubble wrap is our favorite also, that and post-it notes...we now have those all over our house. {Thanks to aunt Amber}.

Looks like they had fun though!

sweet pickles said...

I'm so jealous of the UPS guy coming to your house so much. It just makes you feel so special.
And my kids can't get enough of that bubble wrap, either!

Laura Blue said...

love bubble wrap... it's so fun. happy birthday luke

Ben and Shara said...

Bubble wrap does it for my kids too.

p.s. Mike told us that you had a blog I hope you don't mind me checking it out. Our blog is:


see your Saturday.

•stephanie• said...

i guess grandma has a little too much time on her hands. {that'll be the day!} but, we did have a smashing time at love notes class today. the best part was the little "chat" we had after class. you can ask her about it! she's the best.